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Workers’ Compensation and SSDI Benefits – What is the Difference?


If you have been injured and are unable to work, it can be difficult to work out the complexities of your case.

Disability benefits lawyer

When a person is injured or hurt and is not able to perform their job duties, they are entitled a few different types of financial support. Two of these are workers compensation benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance. However, determining which benefits are right for your situation can be complicated.

While both of these give you the funds to help pay medical bills and cover the costs of your living expenses, there is a difference between the two.

Understanding the Difference

When you are injured at work or get sick because of exposure to dangerous chemicals in the workplace, you receive workmans comp. You get workers compensation benefits because your employer has an insurance policy in place that covers them if an employee has an accident at work or becomes ill due to any aspect of their work. This policy is their reassurance that they won’t be sued, that they won’t lose monetarily if someone is hurt in their workplace.

However, it won’t cover you if you are unable to work because you’ve broken your leg skiing or you’ve fallen off a ladder in your own home. This is where Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) would come in.

So the difference is that work comp covers you for injuries you suffer at work (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) where your employer is liable for your injury. Social Security Disability Insurance is not paid through your employer but still help make up for the loss of income due to your injury.

However, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits and workers compensation at the same time, if the state disability benefits are higher than that of the workers comp.

Also, if the insurance company or your employer are disputing your claim, the state is able to provide you with disability benefits until the issue is resolved.

Disability Benefits and Unemployment Benefits

You cannot claim disability benefits and unemployment benefits at the same time. If you are claiming disability benefits, then you are stating that you need this benefit because you are unable to work. But, you may only claim unemployment benefits if you are fit and able to work. Unemployment benefit is only for people who are actively seeking employment.

Contact a Workers Compensation Attorney

When it comes to receiving benefits, the case can be very complex. When injured, you need answers and money quickly. You have bills to pay, a family to take care of, and a job to go back to. At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, we will strive to resolve your claim quickly. Contact us today for a FREE consultation by calling (314) 361-4300 or by filling out our online contact form.

Updated: June 8, 2017
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