Electricians, by the nature of their job, are exposed to great risks.
These risks are not limited to electricians, as other tradespeopleย are at risk forย electrical injuries. In construction settings, for instance, there are usually other people working next toย electrical contractors. These could include plumbers and roofers. All these workers are at danger of electric shock or electrocution, from exposed power lines and cords. You may want to explore yourย legal options, if you or someone you love has suffered from such an electrical injury due to negligence at theย workplace.
Electrical Shock and Electrocution
The risk of electrical shock and electrocution can beย more visible on construction sites. The workers are highly susceptible to electricalย injury due to proximity of operation to underground power lines and all sorts of wiring passing through a building under construction. The risk of injury is even greater when a project is under a tight schedule, possibly forcing some electrical contractors to carry out haphazard jobs. These are not the only places where such injuries are prevalent.
Statistics available on electric-related injuries at workplaces are rather disconcerting. In the United States, about one worker is fatally electrocuted on a daily basis. Nonfatal electrical injuries are estimated at a minimum of 30,000 every year. Around 50% of all fatal electrical shock injuries are construction-related.
Causes of Electrical Shock Injuries
Various causes may be responsible for electrical injuries. These accidents may be due to negligence on the part of product manufacturers, general contractors, fellow workers, orย property owners. The most common reasons for electrical shock injuries include faulty machinery, drilling into and exposure to power lines, exposed wiring, and water leaks.
Consequences of Electrical Shock
Electrical shock can lead to burns, brain injuries, tissue or organ damage, and spinal cord injuries. Neurological damage could also result, but this may take several months or even years to manifest. Electrical shock can also give rise to respiratory problems, cardiovascular issues, heart failure, and untimely death.
If you have suffered an electrical shock injury at your workplace, it is important that you seek the assistance of a skilled Missouri workers’ compensation attorney to access your workers’ compensation benefits.ย Call The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300.
Photo credit: Dendroica Cerulea via Flickr