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Workers Comp for Internal Organ Damage โ€“ St. Louis Attorneys


Protect your legal rights by speaking with an attorney as soon as possible following a work-related accident.

internal injury x-rays





When you get injured in a workplace accident, you should seek immediate medical attention. Among the most important reasons, is that the accident could have caused serious internal injuries. Internal organ damage can be very serious, and has the potential to result in life threatening complications without proper diagnosis and timely medical care. In this post, our workers comp attorneys will discuss the types of internal organ damage that can occur as a result of a workplace accident and what your rights are as an injured worker.

Types of Internal Organ Damage

Internal organs are extremely delicate and vital. Any kind of trauma can lead to serious injuries, whether resulting from direct trauma or a result of some other injury. Some of the common trauma related internal organ damage include:

  • Damage Caused by Broken Ribs: Motor vehicle accidents and other work-related accidents can cause rib fractures, and in some cases, broken ribs can puncture the internal organs.
  • Abdominal Aortic Rupture: Any injury to the abdomen can lead to aortic aneurysms, and in severe cases it can cause aortic rupture. These are extremely serious medical conditions requiring emergency surgery.
  • Kidney Damage: Workplace accidents that cause blunt trauma to the abdomen can cause kidney damage. If left untreated, kidney injuries can lead to renal failure.
  • Ruptured Spleen: Any trauma to the abdomen can also cause damage to the spleen. In severe cases, spleen removal may be necessary for successful recovery.
  • Liver or Bowel Damage: The liver and bowels are also located in the abdomen and are responsible for some essential bodily functions. In case of liver or bowel damage, the consequences are often serious.

Seeking Workers Compensation Benefits for Internal Organ Damage

When it comes to workers compensation benefits for internal organ damage, several factors come into play. For a worker to receive maximum benefits, it is important to have a complete understanding of the impact of the accident.

Some of the factors that can affect the amount of benefits that the injured worker receives include:

  • Workerโ€™s age and general health
  • The severity of the internal organ injury
  • Whether the work related trauma caused any injuries other than the organ damage
  • Whether the internal organ damage is acute, chronic, or both
  • The degree to which the initial treatment of the internal organ damage was successful
  • The time between when the worker sustained the injury and when he/she received treatment
  • The degree to which the treatment aggravated the work related injury or made it more difficult for the injury to be treated. This can happen due to medical negligence.
Apart from these factors, there are several other factors that will determine your workers compensation benefits including your ability to work and the long term prognosis of the injury. To ensure your legal rights are protected, speak with an experienced workers comp attorney as soon as possible following a work-related accident. Call us 24/7 at (314) 361-4300 to schedule a free and private consultation.


Work Related Injuries

Updated: November 25, 2024
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