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Work Related Stress


Work related stress can contribute to back and neck pain due to fatigue.

work related stress

The term stress is often used to express the feeling of being overloaded or overwhelmed by a situation. In reality, some stresses are good for you. However, when stress undermines both your mental and physical health, it often has negative effects.

Chronic stress in the work place can put a person at both physical and emotional health risks. Stress on the job can even contribute to work related injuries. Occupational stress occurs when a discrepancy exists between the demands of a persons job and their ability to carry out and complete those demands.

Negative stress can affect our blood pressure, digestive system and immune system. It can affect our sleep and can cause conditions such as depression and anxiety.

There is usually always a measure of stress in a persons job. However, when these stresses become excessive, they can lead to other issues. For instance, if the stress of your job is so great that you are experiencing a lack of sleep, this can affect your job performance, even resulting in an accident causing you injury.

Work related stress can contribute to back and neck pain due to fatigue. Over a prolonged period of time, this can cause injury.

It is possible for employers to be liable for such situations.

Free Workers Compensation Consultations

The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann represents clients throughout the State of Missouri and in the greater St. Louis area.  Our legal team has a strong history of helping injured workers get the medical attention and financial compensation that they need. Contact our St. Louis, Missouri workers compensation law firm to ensure that your rights are protected. Please call (314) 361-4300 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free and private consultation.

Work Related Injuries

photo credit: BLW Photography

Updated: June 19, 2024
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