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Work Related Knee and Ankle Injuries


Work related ankle & knee injuries are often a result of slip and falls, repetitive motion, abnormal motions, or twisting of the ankle.


The knee is the load bearing joint in the body, and any injury to it can be extremely painful and difficult to heal. Work related knee injuries could be a result of slips and falls, repetitive motion, abnormal motions, twisting, or impact with hard surfaces. Some common symptoms of a knee injury include pain, numbness, popping, stiffness, tingling, limited range of motion and swelling.

Most ankle injuries occur when the ankle bone gets twisted too far to one side. Common causes of work related ankle injuries include twisting, slips and falls, overextension, contact with hard surfaces and jumping. Symptoms of ankle injuries include pain, swelling, bruising, redness, inability to stand, difficulty walking, and deformity.

There are some classes of workers that are particularly susceptible to knee and ankle injuries. These workers have to spend a large part of their work day standing or walking. These workers include:

Treatment for Knee and Ankle Injuries

Most common workplace knee and ankle injuries are sprains or strains to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. More serious injuries include fractures and torn cartilage. In case of severe knee and ankle injuries such as fractures, the patient may have to undergo surgery. However, surgery is often the last resort in the most severe cases.

Knee and ankle injuries are often diagnosed using imaging techniques such as X-Rays. The imaging results show the exact location and extent of injury and the doctors prescribe the treatment based on the test results.

Treatments for knee and ankle injuries include:

  • Resting
  • Keeping weight off the joint
  • Alternating ice and heat to reduce pain and bruising
  • Keeping the injured area elevated to reduce swelling
  • Compression dressings that restrict unnecessary joint movement
  • Hot soaks
  • Whirlpool treatment
  • Pain killers
  • Non-steroidal anti โ€“inflammatory drugs

As previously stated, if none of the aforementioned treatments work, or if there is a severe injury the doctors may prescribe surgical treatment. This may be quite expensive and may require a few days in the hospital. It usually involves a long recovery period.

What to Do If You Have Suffered a Knee or Ankle Injury on the Job

If you have suffered a knee or ankle injury at the workplace you are likely entitled to benefits under the Missouri workers compensation system. As an injured worker you have a right to be compensation for injury related medical expenses, including therapy bills and wage loss benefits for the time you have had to take off work to recover from the work related injury.

To safeguards your right to workers compensation benefits, you should notify your employer or supervisor about the injury as soon as it occurs. Any delay can give the insurance company a chance to question your claim. It is also important to get timely treatment for your injuries as the medical records will help prove the claim, and get you the damages that you deserve. If you face any difficulty in getting your workers compensation benefits contact a Missouri workers compensation attorney at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann right away. We have been helping injured workers receive the compensation they are entitled to for over 25 years. We care and would happy to assist you.

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Work Related Injuries

Updated: November 6, 2019
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