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Wet-Work Exposure – Getting Compensation for Contact Dermatitis


Even if your work does provide precautions, wet work puts you at risk of developing contact dermatitis.

“Wet-work” refers to any occupation that requires workers to be exposed to liquids, such as having to submerge your hands in liquids (even if wearing gloves), or needing to wash your hands often, like in the case of some medical professionals.

Even if your work does provide precautions, wet work puts you at risk of developing contact dermatitis. Here’s everything you need to know about this condition and how to get compensated.

What Is Contact Dermatitis? 

According to the Mayo Clinic, contact dermatitis is a red rash caused by direct contact with a certain substance or an allergic reaction to it. The condition is not contagious, but is quite unpleasant, with symptoms such as itchiness, scaly skin, swelling, or even blisters.

Wet-work puts you at risk of developing contact dermatitis, as you are exposed to many different liquids, or cleaning agents that can cause this type of irritation. Common examples of wet work occupations include:

  • Hairdressers
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Catering staff
  • Cleaning staff
  • Gardeners 
  • Agriculture workers
  • Construction workers
  • Domestic workers, etc.

Contact dermatitis usually goes away after a few weeks if you identify what caused it and avoid your skin making contact with it, such as changing the soap if you are required to wash your hands frequently, wearing protective gloves, or even preventive measures like hydrating your skin.

However, if left unchecked, contact dermatitis may lead to an infection if you also repeatedly scratch the area. In these cases, you may need a stronger treatment to get rid of it.

Can You Get Compensated for Contact Dermatitis?

Missouri’s worker’s comp laws state that workers are entitled to medical treatment and other benefits for injuries or illnesses sustained at work, or as a direct result of their work activity.

The nature of the injury itself doesn’t come into question, but whether or not the injury is connected to your job. So, if you have contact dermatitis, you can file an injury report with your employer to begin the compensation process.

You will likely need to provide additional proof that your contact dermatitis is a result of your work, especially if it is not clear how your work activity has caused it. It is unfortunate, but the burden of proof in these cases often falls on the injured worker. However, this shouldn’t prevent you from filing a claim, especially if your case needs rather extensive treatment, and you also require time off work for the rash to disappear. 

Legally, you also have the right to speak with a workers compensation attorney for help filing your claim and to ensure you get the full amount of compensation you are entitled to.

Speak With an Experienced Workers Comp Attorney

If you have contact dermatitis as a result of your job, reach out to a St. Louis workers comp lawyer as soon as possible. With their help, you can prove it is your job that has led to the rash, and that you are entitled to compensation. 

Updated: August 17, 2020
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