Our attorneys know all the dirty tricks that employers and their insurers try to use and how to beat them. Contact us today and let us help you get the compensation you deserve.

If you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness, you expect your employer to comply with workers’ comp laws and help you get the compensation you deserve. But watch out: It’s not uncommon for employers to use dirty tricks to jeopardize workers’ comp cases. Even the most credible employer can employ a trick or two to help them save money. This article breaks down some of the common tricks your employer could use to derail, devalue or ruin your workers’ comp claim.
- Suppressing Parts of Your Report – Of all the underhand tricks employers use, this one is the most common. Suppressing parts of your report will reduce your compensation and can sometimes be used to dismiss your claim. For this reason, it is important to make sure that your injury notice is in writing. That way, it’ll be hard for the employer to leave out some information when reporting your injuries.
- Failing to Report Your Injuries on Time – According to Workers’ Compensation Laws, you are required to report injuries within 30 days from the time you got injured or when you felt the effects of the injuries. Once you notify your employer, they are required by law to report your injuries to the department of labor ASAP. Unfortunately, your employer may intentionally fail to submit your injury reports on time and later claim you never reported the injuries to them. This can cost you some of your benefits, such as medical benefits, weekly reimbursement, or compensation for any disability.
- Illegal Surveillance – Your employer may use private investigators to monitor your online and offline activities and gather evidence that could help them devalue or dismiss your claim. The lawyers at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann can help you fight any evidence that your employer’s PI may have gathered against you.
- Asking You to Trust the Company Doctor Opinion – Your employer may try to convince you not to seek a second opinion from another doctor and trust the company doctor’s report. Don’t fall for this trick. Your employer may collude with the company doctor to sabotage your injury case. A fresh medical perspective or evaluation can make all the difference for your claim.
- Retaliation – Remember, your employer cannot legally fire you for filing a workers’ compensation claim. So, if your employers threaten to do so, you should reach out to a worker’s compensation attorney right away to help you file a retaliation lawsuit.
Contact The Law Office of James Hoffmann Today!
Our attorneys here at the Law Office of James Hoffmann know all the dirty tricks that employers and their insurers try to use and how to beat them. Contact us today and let us help you get the compensation you deserve.