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Workers Comp for St. Louis Assembly Line Injuries

assembly line injury

Assembly line workers are prone to workplace injuries, mainly because of heavy equipment and power-driven machines. Unsafe working conditions combined with a lack of safety precautions contribute to manufacturing accidents. Manufacturing accidents are often serious and may render a worker incapable of working again and earning their living. Some classes of workers such as material handlers, assemblers, machine … Read more

Updated: June 19, 2024

Injuries Not Covered by Workers’ Compensation

workers comp information

Are you unsure if your work-related injury will be covered by workers’ compensation? Workers’ compensation law is governed by the state, so the regulations vary from state to state. The injuries which are covered and which are not covered under the compensation system also vary from state to state; however, the general rule is that an … Read more

Updated: March 9, 2015

Missouri Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Asthma

workers compensation asthma

Exposure to certain chemicals, fumes, pollutants, radiation, and allergens can make workers susceptible to occupational illnesses. Workers who suffer from occupational illnesses may seek benefits under the Missouri workers’ compensation system to receive compensation for medical expenses and loss of wages. Occupational Asthma Among the many occupational illnesses that an industrial worker can contract is occupational asthma. Although … Read more

Updated: August 15, 2024