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Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Single-Car Accidents on the Job?

missouri woker involved in car accident

If you’re driving for work and you get injured due to a single-car accident, you may be wondering if you can file for workers’ compensation. What Is a Single-Car Accident? A single-car accident is any accident that involves just one driver and one vehicle rather than multiple drivers. Here a few examples: A driver overturns … Read more

Updated: May 10, 2021

5 Steps to Take after a Work-Related Car Accident in Missouri

St. Louis Work Accident Lawyer

Accident risk especially increase for those who drive for a living since they are behind the wheel for a longer time. The likelihood of getting into an auto accident does not depend only on your driving abilities or how cautious you are. You never know when you are in the path of a negligent driver. … Read more

Updated: August 25, 2023

Can I Get Workers’ Compensation if I’m Injured While Driving for Work?

missouri technician

Many workers, from truckers and van drivers to movers, plumbers, electricians, and many more drive vehicles as part of their job. Many injured workers wonder if they can file for workers’ compensation if they were injured while driving for work. Here’s what you should know. Injuries You Get As Part Of Work Duties Qualify You … Read more

Updated: October 24, 2020

Top 5 Hazards Faced by Groundskeepers


Though it is not the first thing you may think of when you picture a dangerous job, the groundskeeping and gardening profession accounts for a significant amount of injuries and deaths every year. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics found that from 1997 to 2002, over one hundred people died per year at their groundskeeping … Read more

Updated: June 13, 2024

Workers Compensation for Sanitation Industry Workers

sanitation industry workers

Sanitation workers carry out a critical function in our society, but the job comes with many risks. When you think of a fatal workplace injury, you’re probably imagining something like a factory setting, a logging operation, or a semi-truck losing control. This image is reasonable, given that those occupations are some of the most dangerous … Read more

Updated: October 14, 2022

Car Accidents Comprise a Vast Majority of Workers’ Compensation Claims

St. Louis Work Accident Lawyer

If you are injured in a car accident while working under the scope of your employment, you should be able to claim workers’ compensation for your injuries. Since car accidents are one of the leading causes of injury outside of the workplace, the following fact should not come as a surprise: car accidents comprise the … Read more

Updated: June 22, 2018