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Step One: Document Everything

If you have been injured on the job, it is important to document everything yourself right from the start!

To prevail on disputed issues at a trial, final hearing, or deposition, you will need better and more reliable documentation than what the adjuster, employer, and doctor have.






Think about it โ€“ your entire case is being documented by the other side. The claims adjuster, employer, and their doctor are making records. They will use these documents against you every chance they get. When was the last time the adjuster or doctor said, โ€œLetโ€™s review my notes to ensure what I put down is accurate?โ€

Do not assume they will accurately document the facts, complaints, requests for additional care, conversations about permanent problems, or even the injury report. On many occasions, my clients have been shocked when we review the medical records, and itโ€™s noted that the doctor says a little sore today, or when I depose a supervisor who says, โ€œJoe never told me his back was hurting from work.โ€

What You Can Do

Document your case in the form of letters. Print your name, your date of birth, and your phone number. Make sure the date is on the letter. Keep a copy!

If the letter is to your doctor. Then, write at the top of the letter, โ€œPlease put this in my medical file.โ€ If it is to your employer, write at the top, โ€œPlease put this in my personal file.โ€ Send several letters if you want.

Make and keep notes of everything. Confirm what you said and what they said. Ask for further treatment and ask for an MRI. Make sure you use short and simple sentences. At the end of the letter, write, โ€œIf you disagree with any of the above, please respond immediately.โ€

Additionally, confirm that you reported the injury. Confirm how the injury happened. Confirm what the doctor tells you. Confirm your requests for additional medical care. Confirm that your pain is worse due to the employerโ€™s failure to provide work within the medical restrictions.

Photo credit: sarae

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