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St. Louis Workplace Injury – Lower Back Pain and Occupational Disability


The Department of Labor attributes 33% of occupational musculoskeletal injuries to lower back pain.

According to a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, about 66% of lower back pain patients resume work within a month, while 17% are incapable of working for 1 to 6 months. Another 7% cannot work for 6 months or more.

Work-Related Lower Back Pain

Most injued workers are concerned about treatment options, how rapidly their pain will go away, and when they can resume their normal work activities. However, some clinic physicians may not fully explain the cause of lower back pain or treatment options. Any overexertion or trauma-related strain occurring at the workplace may make a worker incapable of moving due to excruciating spasms.

Treatment for Lower Back Pain

There is no magic potion for chronic lower back pain. Treatment options include physical therapy, medication, and epidural injections. If clinical examinations reveal any abnormal findings, the patient might be advised back surgery. An injured worker may feel that the treating doctor is more interested in getting him or her back to work, rather than spending time to understand the problem and offering an appropriate treatment plan.

Speak with a St. Louis Workplace Injury Lawyer

If you have developed chronic lower back pain as a result of the work you do, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Proving that your injury is work-related and getting your rightful benefits may not be easy. If you are having difficulty in getting the benefits that you deserve, contact a St. Louis workplace injury lawyer. Call The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300.

Updated: May 3, 2023
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