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St. Louis Workplace Injury Law Firm – Recycling Industry Workers


The recycling industry has createdย many job opportunitiesย –ย it also is one of the most hazardous industries to work in.

recycling centers workplace injuryAccording to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA), sending a ton of waste to a landfill or an incinerator reduces job opportunities by ten times more than if it was sent to a recycling unit.ย Just as the recycling industry creates job opportunities, it also is one of the most hazardous industries to work in. EPA statistics reveal that recycling industry workers have an elevated risk of fatality and injury at work. Injured workers often do not get enough compensation for their injuries and some injured workers are unaware of the fact that they can hire a St. Louis worker compensation lawyer to protectย their legal rights.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials such asย used needles, poisonous chemicals and noxious items, shards of glass, rotten food, dirty diapers, and dead animals often make their way into the recycling system, posing a serious threat to the health of workers. Such materials can cause a number of illnesses and injuries.

Dangerous Equipment

Recycling industry workers use heavy machinery, including forklifts, conveyor belts, crushing machines, balers, front-end loaders, huge bales of sorted waste, and compactors. If these types of machines are handled improperly, they can seriously injure a worker, causing permanent disability andย even death.

Sorting Trash by Hand

Despite availableย machines, a large part of the initial sorting of the recyclable waste takes place by hand. Continuous movements like sorting, bending, and picking can lead to repetitive stress injuries, fatigue, and many musculoskeletal disorders over a period of time. According to data collected from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 2 out of 3ย workers suffer job-related injuries and about 57% of injured workers suffer from musculoskeletal back injuries.

Uncomfortable and Unsanitary Surroundings

Recyclingย workers have complained ofย unsanitary work areas and lack of cleanliness. Many also complain that it is uncomfortable to work in recycling facilities due to excessive heat, cold, toxic waste giving out smell and dust, and exposure to high levels of noise and vibrations. These conditions can expose a worker to hearing disorders and loss of hearing, sleep disorders, extreme stress, and cardiovascular disorders.

Temporary Workers

A large number of workers in the recycling industry work asย temporary employees. While companies save on hiring costs, workers lose out on employeeย benefits. Temporary staff is paid less and undergo less training that is essential for their safety. Temporaryย workers mayย not readily open up to theirย managers about the hazardous environment orย  lack of training and mayย not report injuries out of fear of losing their jobs.

St. Louis Workplace Injuryย Law Firm

Recycling facilities are required to take appropriate stepsย to make the basic working environment less hazardous for their employees. This includesย providing adequate training, conducting regular inspections of the machinery and recycling plants, ensuring sufficient staffing, providing compensation benefits, and providing essential protective gear for workers.ย Employees who have been injured at work should consult a St. Louis workplace injuryย lawyer to ensure that they receive the benefits that they deserve. Call The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300.

Workers & Industry

Updated: November 11, 2019
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