If you have been injured on the job, there are certain steps you must take in order to receive workers compensation benefits. 
Each year, thousands of employees are injured on the job throughout the state of Missouri. Because of the frequency of injuries in the workplace, Missouri requires almost all business owners to have workers compensation insurance to protect both themselves and their employees.
The law enables workers to claim workers compensation for their injuries at work, even if it is the fault of the worker. However, the trade off is that they cannot sue their employer for negligence.
Reporting Workplace Injuries
If you have been injured on the job, there are certain steps you must take in order to receive workers compensation benefits.
The first thing you must do is report your injury to your employer. It is important that you notify your employer in writing, making sure to include the date, time and the location of the injury. Explain, in as much detail as possible, the type of injury you have suffered. Be sure to make a copy of the letter before turning it in. Write down as many details as you can, such as the date you turned in the notice and the name of the person you gave it to.
It is important that you notify your employer within 30 days of the incident, or you may jeopardize your ability to receive benefits.
Your employer will tell you where you can go to receive the necessary medical treatment, unless of course the injury requires emergency medical help.
Once you give your employer notification, it is then up to he or she to submit the claim to the insurer. The law requires your employer to do so. If they do not report it they are then subject to a fine or even imprisonment, sometimes even both.
To verify that your injury has been reported properly, you may contact the MO Division of Labor at 1-800-775-2667.
When to Contact a Workers Compensation Lawyer
You may contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann about your case regardless of where you are in the process. For more than 30 years we have worked with employees from a wide range of industries to pursue the right benefits or to appeal a denial of your injury claim.
The Missouri Workers Compensation system is not your friend. We can help you take the steps necessary to protect your rights and recover payment for lost wages, medical care for your injuries, or a settlement for permanent partial disability or permanent total disability should you not be able to return to work.
Call us today at (314) 361-4300ย or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.
photo credit: Western Area Power Admin