Being injured in any type of accident can sometimes cause a chain reaction of complications or side effects that will also need to be treated.

This could be the case with a car accident, personal injury accident, or even in a work-related accident. In workers’ compensation claims this is known as a compensable consequence and you are entitled to receive compensation for them so long as they are a direct result of the original work injury. If you need help in recovering compensation from a complication or side effect of your work-related injury, contact a Missouri workers compensation attorney as soon as possible.
Common Side Effects After an Accident
One of the most common side effects of a work-related injury, and the most highly disputed is a subsequent addiction to pain medications. This is especially dominant in cases with a back injury where the physician prescribes strong narcotics to help ease the pain. These drugs are addictive and if taken long enough a person will grow a tolerance to them and seek more. The employer can be held responsible to cover the rehabilitation that may be required to treat the addiction if your workers’ compensation attorney can prove how it is a directly related to your work-related injury.
Another example of a compensable consequence that is often refuted by the insurance company is a mental illness, such as depression, after an accident. We see this most often in cases where the initial accident was traumatic. For some people that could cause a mild form of post-traumatic stress disorder or high anxiety. Psychiatric help may be necessary to help deal with those symptoms and should be covered by your claim. In some cases, the stress of not being able to work due to an injury can cause an employee to suffer from depression. Any medications or therapy needed to battle this is typically compensable as well. Again, the help of a workers’ compensation attorney will assist you greatly in showing the employer and his insurance company the direct relationship of your mental distress to the first injury.
Complications After an Accident
Of course, medical complications are also compensable. Undergoing any type of surgery comes with a certain amount of risk. In fact, the surgeon will go over all of those risks with you before any procedure and have you sign a waiver stating that you are aware of them. With any type of invasive procedure, there is a risk of infection, excessive blood loss, and even death. With IV use comes the risk of developing thrombosis, a painful condition that affects the arteries. A Missouri mechanic who injured his leg in an accident at work was able to also file a claim for the thrombosis he developed during the course of his treatment.
St. Louis Workers Compensation Attorney
While workers compensation insurance is meant to help an employee seek medical treatment for a work-related injury, Missouri law recognizes that some injuries lead to further complications. If the subsequent injury is a direct result of the original, you may be entitled to compensation for that as well. If you are confused about your rights with workers’ compensation insurance, a workers compensation attorney at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann will be happy to review your claim and help you decide if your secondary injury is also a valid claim.
Call (314) 361-4300 to schedule a free consultation.
Workplace Injury and Accident Causes
Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos Removal
Second Hand Asbestos Exposure
Sexual Assault Workplace
Physical Assault at Workplace
Workplace Injuries Assembly Line
At Fault Accident
Workplace Attack
Benzene Exposure
Injured on Lunch Break
Building Collapse
Workplace Bullying
Chemical Exposure in the Workplace
Chemical Hazards in the Workplace
Cold Stress in the Workplace
Combustible Dust Explosion
Computer Use
Construction Site Accident
Conveyor Belt Accident
On the Job Injury Cause by Coworker
Crane Accident
Injuries from Desk Jobs
Diesel Exhaust Fumes Exposure
Digging Injury
Breaking Company Policy
Drowning at Work
Workplace Drug Use
Electrical Workplace Accidents
Elevator Accident
Equipment Accident
Ergonomics in the Workplace
Excessive Overtime
Workplace Explosion
Extreme Danger
Fall at Work
Fire in the Workplace
Slicer Accident
Forklift Accident
Walk in Freezer
Gas Pipeline Accident
Hard Work
Workplace Hazardous Substances
Hazardous Equipment in the Workplace
Heavy Machinery Accident
Horseplay in the Workplace
Danger at Workplace
Insomnia in the Workplace
Jumping Accident
Ladder Falls at Work
Loading Dock Accident
Machinery Accident Workplace
Equipment Failure Accident
Mining Accident
Mold in the Workplace
Nail Gun Accident
Workplace Noise
Non Collision Accident
Heavy Objects
Workplace Office Equipment
Opioid Use
Injury at Work Due to OSHA Violation
Overexertion Injuries at Work
Use of Pain Killers
Power Tool Injury
Inadequate PPE
Repetitive Motion Injuries in the Workplace
Mansfield Bar
Scaffolding Accident
Secondhand Smoke in the Workplace
Side Effects
Silica Exposure
Sleep Disorder
Slip and Fall Injuries in the Workplace
Stairs at Work
Struck by a Vehicle
Tar Fumes
Toxic Chemical Exposure
Toxic Fumes in the Workplace
Car Accident While Working
Trench Collapse
Trips at Work
Unsafe Working Conditions
Workplace Violence
Welding Injury
Winter Hazards in the Workplace
Working Shifts
photo credit: 36Bananapies