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Keep Your Teen Safe in the Workplace – St. Louis Workplace Accident


Many teens have an afterschool job to earn extra pocket money, meet new people, and become more independent.

st louis workplace accident teen workersTeenagers have available a wide variety of part-time jobs, ranging from working as a camp counselor, babysitting, waitressing at a restaurant, or working in retail stores. Regardless of the kind of job a teenager decides on, there is some level of risk for work-related injuries. The National Consumers League provides tips for the safety of teens at work.

Safety of Teenagers at Work

  • Do not accept a job that puts you at risk. Some of these jobs include traveling without adult supervision, door to door sales, using dangerous machinery, or working in a toxic environment. (Learn more – Riskiest Summer Jobs for Teenagers)
  • Never accept a job that requires you to work beyond the federal or state work hour limits for minors.
  • Be aware and alert at all times to prevent work-related injuries caused by carelessness.
  • Accept a job that does not get in the way of school, extracurricular activities, or hobbies.
  • If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe about something in the workplace, trust your instincts and walk away. If you notice any inappropriate behavior, report it to your supervisor.

Role of Parents in Teen Safety

Parents should ensure that the job a teenager accepts is the right fit for him or her. Parents can be involved and help the teenager make the right choice. Here are some tips that can make the job search easier:

  • Have an open conversation about what he or she knows what to expect. It is your responsibility to set limits on the number of hours he or she may work.
  • Carry out some basic research before letting your child accept the job. It is a good idea to visit the facility and talk to the supervisor about your teenager’s job responsibilities. Questions to ask include:
  1. How long is the commute?
  2. Will the child have to operate a vehicle or machinery?
  3. Will safety training be provided?
  4. Will the teenager be alone at the workplace?
  5. Will the teenager have to work with equipment that may be potentially dangerous?

Asking these simple questions can give you a great deal of insight into what your child is commiting to and whether or not the job will be safe. These simple steps can help ensure that your child’s first job is a rewarding and pleasant experience.

Has Your Teen Been Injured at Work?

If your child has been injured at work, immediately consult a St. Louis workplace accident lawyer to understand your child’s legal rights. Call The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300 for a case evaluation.

Updated: September 29, 2016
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