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How Job Changes Affect Your Missouri Workers’ Comp Benefits


Job changes can impact Missouri workers’ comp benefits. Here’s how you can navigate this complex process and protect your rights.

If you’re dealing with a work-related injury in Missouri, understanding how job changes affect your workers’ compensation benefits is crucial. At The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, we’ve helped countless clients navigate these complex situations. Here are the key factors you need to know.


Returning to Work: Your Rights and Responsibilities

One of the most critical junctures in a workers’ comp case is returning to work after filing for work comp benefits. This transition can significantly impact your benefits and legal rights.

  • Always communicate openly with your employer and treating physician
  • Understand and adhere to your work restrictions
  • Be prepared for potential benefits adjustments

Don’t navigate this process alone. Our experienced attorneys can guide you every step of the way, ensuring your rights are protected.

Light Duty Work: Balancing Recovery and Employment

Many employers offer light duty work to injured employees. While this can be beneficial, it’s important to understand its implications:

  • Your wage replacement benefits may be adjusted
  • Refusing suitable light duty work could jeopardize your benefits
  • Ensure any light duty work aligns with your medical restrictions

Our legal team can help you evaluate light duty offers and negotiate terms that protect your health and benefits.

When Employers Push Back: Know Your Rights

A common concern among our clients is: Can my employer refuse to let me return to work after injury? While employers have some discretion, they cannot discriminate against you due to a work-related injury.

  • Employers must provide reasonable accommodations
  • Refusal to allow your return may be unlawful in some cases
  • Document all communications with your employer

If you’re facing resistance from your employer, contact us immediately. We’ll fight to protect your job and your rights.

The Impact of Quitting Your Job on Workers’ Comp Benefits

We often get asked: Can I quit my job while receiving work comp benefits? While it’s possible, it can have serious consequences:

  • You may lose your wage replacement benefits
  • Medical benefits typically continue, but complications can arise
  • Future employment opportunities may be affected

Before making any decisions about leaving your job, consult with an attorney. We can help you understand the full implications and explore all your options.

Changing Jobs or Employers: Proceed with Caution

If you’re considering a job change while on workers’ comp, tread carefully. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Inform your workers’ comp adjuster about any potential job changes
  • Understand how new employment could affect your benefits
  • Ensure any new role complies with your medical restrictions

Let our experienced team review your situation before you make any job changes. We can help protect your benefits and your future.

Independent Contractors: A Special Case

For those wondering, do 1099 employees qualify for workers’ compensation coverage in Missouri? The answer is complex. While generally not covered, misclassification is common.

If you’re transitioning between employee and contractor status, or if you believe you’ve been misclassified, contact us for a free consultation. We can help determine your eligibility and fight for your rights.

Settlements and Job Changes: Maximizing Your Compensation

Job changes can significantly impact workers’ comp settlements. Our track record of successful case results demonstrates our ability to secure fair compensation for our clients.

  • Returning to work may affect settlement negotiations
  • Quitting your job could influence the settlement amount
  • We ensure all future medical needs are considered in settlements

Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to maximize your settlement, even in complex cases involving job changes.

Beyond Workers’ Comp: Pain and Suffering

A common question we hear is, does workers’ compensation pay for pain and suffering? While Missouri workers’ comp generally doesn’t cover this, severe injuries might qualify for additional compensation through other legal avenues.

Our comprehensive approach ensures we explore all possible sources of compensation for our clients. Don’t leave money on the table – let us review your case today.

Legal Guidance for Your Missouri Workers’ Comp Case

Navigating job changes while on workers’ compensation is often complex and fraught with potential pitfalls. At The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, we have the knowledge, experience, and dedication to guide you through this challenging process.

Don’t risk your benefits or your future. Contact our experienced St. Louis workers’ compensation attorneys today for a free consultation. We’re here to protect your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve.

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