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FAQs About Work-Related Brain Injuries – St. Louis Injured at Work Lawyer


Traumatic brain injuries have a lifelong impact on a worker’s ability to work and even perform normal daily activities.

st louis injured at work traumatic brain injuryWork-related injuries can be painful and result in long periods of disability. Certain injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries (TBI), have a lifelong impact on a worker’s ability to continue in his or her occupation and even perform normal daily activities. Workers can suffer head trauma in various work-related accidents such as falls from ladders or scaffoldings, motor vehicle accidents, or objects falling on their heads.

Regardless of the cause of injury, the effects are often devastating and it is important for workers to understand their right to workers’ compensation benefits. In addition, there may be a third-party responsible for the accident. Our St. Louis injured at work lawyer answers questions that workers have had concerning work-related brain injuries.

FAQ 1 – What are the common types of TBIs that occur in workplace accidents?

The two most common types of TBIs include open head injuries and closed head injuries. Open head injuries involve penetration of the skull and/or brain by an object. Closed head injuries can be serious and life-threatening. A blow to the head during a motor vehicle crash at the worksite can cause the brain to strike against the hard interior of the skull.

An epidural hematoma is a type of closed head injury that occurs when there is hemorrhaging between the dura mater and the skull. This injury could be a result of a blow to the head that causes the arteries to tear. Such injuries may not have any immediate symptoms, but an injured worker may start experiencing neurological symptoms sometime after the injury. In the case of closed head injuries, diagnosis may be delayed, because there is no obvious penetration of external injuries. It is important to report any head injury to the employer and seek medical attention without delay.

FAQ 2 – What symptoms might indicate that the worker has suffered a brain injury?

Serious injuries can result in obvious symptoms such as impaired speech or motor skills and coma. In some cases, it can cause death. Signs of work-related brain injuries include:

  • short-term memory loss
  • dizziness
  • loss of consciousness
  • depression or mood changes
  • nausea
  • confusion
  • headaches
  • vomiting
  • disorientation

FAQ 3 – What benefits is an injured worker entitled to?

If you have suffered a brain injury in a work-related accident, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits include medical care, temporary disability payments, and compensation for permanent disability based on the degree of long-term disability.

An injured worker does not have to prove fault in order to receive work comp. The worker must notify the employer of the injury to receive benefits. If you face any problem in getting your benefits, seek legal assistance from our St. Louis injured at work lawyer. Call The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann at (314) 361-4300.

Work Related Injuries

Updated: November 6, 2019
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