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Slip and Fall Accidents at Work

St. Louis Workers Compensation Lawyers

Workers’ compensation is a benefit provided to an employee who finds himself hurt or ill as a result of his employment.  Employers are required by law to carry insurance for claims. Employees do not contribute any of their wages towards workers’ comp insurance. It serves to not only ensure that an injured workers medical bills … Read more

Updated: June 20, 2024

Slip and Fall Accidents in the Workplace

There are a number of reasons that can cause a person to slip and fall at work.   Each year there are thousands of slip and fall work related accidents. These types of accidents can result in serious injury, even death and are the most common type of workplace accidents. According to OSHA, 15% of … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Receiving Compensation For A Slip And Fall Injury

A slip and can happen anywhere, but a slip and fall at work can impede your ability to do your job. Even if your employer was not negligent, you can still recover compensation for your injuries. Workers’ comp is a no-fault system, which means that any workplace injury is compensable, as long as you were … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Slip and Fall Accidents On The Job

wet floor sign

If you experience a fall while at work, you should follow normal procedures for filing a workers compensation claim. Falling on the job can lead to a serious injury. Falls can happen anywhere and are sometimes unavoidable. Depending on where your accident is, whoever owns the property that you were on at the time of … Read more

Updated: June 20, 2024

Outdoor Workers at Cold Stress Risk

Employers should be making sure their employees are protected from cold stress. There are many types of jobs that expose workers to cold environments. These workers are at risk of cold stress. Freezing weather creates dangerous situations for workers that work outdoors or work in other areas that are not sufficiently insulated or heated. Temperatures … Read more

Updated: February 26, 2021

Preventing Workplace Injuries: Slips, Trips & Falls

It important to remember that workplace safety needs to be everyone’s concern. Employees can improve their own safety by taking their time and paying attention to their surroundings. There is a large percentage of workers that are injured annually due to fall accidents.  They make up a significant portion of workers compensation commissions. It is … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024