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St. Louis Work Comp Lawyer: Trench Collapses in Construction Industry

Organizations like OSHA have made the construction industry a much safer environment for it’s workers. Still, workplace injury accidents occur. The first step in building a structure is digging a trench to lay the foundation. This is done by excavation teams who are in charge of digging the right size trench. These excavation teams are … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Gas Pipeline Accidents at Work – St. Louis Workplace Injury Lawyer

A dangerous situation for construction workers involves gas pipeline accidents. In the U.S., it is estimated that around 14,120 workers suffer thermal burns each year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average time that a worker takes off work after a burn injury is five days. In some cases, burn injuries are severe and cause permanent … Read more

Updated: August 16, 2021

St. Louis Workplace Accident Lawyer Helps Injured Construction Workers

St. Louis workplace accident construction

Construction sites are one of the most dangerous places to work. Construction workers use a variety of power tools and heavy equipment, making construction sites one of the most dangerous workplaces. Construction workers face many risks and are prone to a variety of work-related injuries. Many injuries are serious in nature and require extensive treatment and time … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024

Chemical Hazards at Work

Even though organizations like OSHA have made the workplace a much safer and healthier environment, chemical hazards still pose a serious risk to workers. St. Louis workers that handle and work with toxic chemicals are more likely to suffer certain injuries due to exposure. One type of work-related injury that employees can suffer from is asphyxia … Read more

Updated: June 20, 2024

The Ten Most Dangerous Jobs

Nearly all types of workers are exposed to a certain level of risk at the workplace. Even seemingly safe occupations, such as retail and offices, report a certain number of work-related injuries. However, the construction and manufacturing industries report an alarmingly high rate of workplace injuries and deaths. Work-Related Injury and Fatality Statistics The statistics revealed by … Read more

Updated: March 27, 2018

Preventing Crane Accidents

From huge mobile equipment such as cranes to objects falling from heights, construction workers face on-the-job hazards every day. Construction sites are often fraught with dangers of various kinds. From huge mobile equipment such as cranes to objects falling from heights, construction workers face on-the-job hazards every day. A serious risk that construction workers face is … Read more

Updated: March 27, 2024