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Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury – Workmens Comp Law Firm

st louis workmens comp tbi

Construction sites are notorious for work-related injuries. The construction industry is among the most dangerous of workplaces. According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, construction workers have the highest rate of work-related traumatic brain injury. Another study conducted by OSHA’s Division of Safety Research found that the construction, agriculture, forestry, … Read more

Updated: September 29, 2016

St. Louis Roofers Injured at Workplace – St. Louis Work Injury Attorneys

st louis work injury roofing hazards

Victims of roofing accidents often face challenges in receiving their rightful compensation. In addition to heights that roofers are expected to work at, there are other dangers they are exposed to. According to a report published by Dr. Sang Choi in the Journal of Safety, Health and Environmental Research, roofers are exposed to six times more risks of suffering a … Read more

Updated: September 29, 2016

St. Louis Workmens Compensation – Carpenters at Risk for Injury

workmens compensation carpenters

Carpenters are faced with several work-related hazards that increase the risk for injury. Carpentry is among the largest trades in the U.S. Approximately 40 percent of carpenters work as independent contractors and 60 percent are employed in residential or commercial construction companies. Carpenters are faced with several work-related hazards that increase the risk for injury. (Read – United Brotherhood of … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019

Roofing Injuries Increase During Summer – St. Louis Workers Compensation

st louis work comp roofing injuries

Roofing workers need to be extremely cautious during the sweltering heat of summer months. Roofing is not an easy or pleasant job on any day and during the summer months it becomes even more difficult. It been compared to working in a blast furnace. The biggest threat is that of heat-related injuries; however, there are other hazards … Read more

Updated: August 9, 2016

OSHA Safety Standards – St. Louis Worker Compensation Lawyer

st louis work comp construction and osha

The construction industry has been cited as one of the most hazardous industries to work in. Whether it is a small DIY project carried out by a homeowner or a huge contract undertaken by a big builder, construction sites present a number of dangers to those working and requires a strict vigilance to reduce accidents. (Learn more … Read more

Updated: February 8, 2019

Construction Site Debris Causing Severe Injury – St. Louis Work Comp Lawyer

st louis work comp construction injuries

Certain workplaces are especially dangerous for workers. The number of workplace injuries and fatalities have come down significantly since 1970 when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) came into operation. Since then, the rate of occupational injuries and illnesses have been reduced by 67 percent even though the workforce has nearly doubled. Work-related fatalities have been reduced from 38 worker … Read more

Updated: May 16, 2024