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Statute of Limitations 101: Applications of the Rule

The Statute of Limitations is a peculiar defense in civil and criminal cases, including personal injury law. As a general rule, it means that after a specific period of time, the law bars a plaintiff (the injured party) from filing a case against the defendant. The periods discussed below are based on the recent repeals … Read more

Updated: December 22, 2022

Understanding Vicarious Liability

Vicarious liability is a form of liability which arises from the common law principle of respondeat superior. Anybody who has tried to personally resolve an insurance claim for an auto accident against a commercial vehicle (usually a cargo truck or a delivery van) will tell you that vicarious liability is a big blanket that these … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019

Struck by a Vehicle


$605,000.00 lawsuit against premises owner The premises owner had denied an injury claim of a customer who was struck by a vehicle and diagnosed with fractured vertebrae and a traumatic cyst. Have you been injured in an accident?Call (314) 361-4300. Free Missouri Workers Compensation Consultation! Workplace Injury and Accident Causes

Updated: December 22, 2022

St. Louis Truck Accident Lawyer Lawsuit

$1,500,000 Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Trucking Company $1,500,000.00 for a wrongful death lawsuit against a trucking company which denied the claim alleging that the driver who caused the accident was an independent contractor Have you been injured in an accident? Call (314) 361-4300.  Free Missouri Workers Compensation Consultation!

Updated: May 16, 2024