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Car Accident Statistics

Finding an experienced attorney will protect you and your family, your finances and property. Every driver should be aware of car accident statistics. Sharing the road is a dangerous experience and accidents happen frequently. Many people do not realize just how prevalent car accidents are. Being aware of the statistics can make you a better … Read more

Updated: April 26, 2013

Teenage Boys Die In Grain Entrapment Accident

workers compensation

If you have a loved one who has suffered or has died because of employer negligence, contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann. Every year workers die in grain bins in unsafe working conditions. In 2010 there were 51 accidents and 26 deaths, some of these deaths were teenagers and boys who should not … Read more

Updated: November 9, 2022

Company Issued Citations After A Preventable Accident

preventable accident

You are entitled to workers’ compensation when injured on the job. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has investigated and cited one company, Lieze Associates, with serious safety violations after an incident in December 2012 where one worker’s fingers were amputated in a work accident. The company was doing business … Read more

Updated: December 29, 2015

Back Injuries At Work: Types of Spinal Injuries

A Workers’ compensation attorney can assist you in properly filing a claim. Injuries to the back and spine can be incredibly painful. Some are more serious than others and require extensive treatment, while others respond well to rest and other conservative treatment methods. If you experience a back/spinal injury while at work, notify your employer … Read more

Updated: September 7, 2016

Increased Car Accident Rates For Teenagers

Drivers have a responsibility to be safe on the road so as to not put others in unnecessary danger.  Driving while fatigued has always increased the risk of accidents. And a Virginia study has linked early school start times with the number of car accidents involving teenage drivers. Teenagers need more sleep than adults; most … Read more

Updated: April 15, 2013

Origin of Workers’ Compensation Law

What is worker’s compensation law? As the name suggests, this law protects the works of an industry or an organization against expensive medical bills and court procedures arising due to any accident at their workplace. This law was passed in 1900s. It compensated for the monetary losses suffered by an employee in case of any … Read more

Updated: March 2, 2017