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273,000 Reasons to Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney

I represent injured workers in Missouri. At a recent workers compensation hearing in St. Louis, I represented a St. Louis employee who suffered a herniated lumbar disc when he slipped and fell on ice at work. A lumbar fusion surgery was performed in addition to laminectomies at the two lumbar levels above. The employee’s unpaid … Read more

Updated: April 3, 2017

Proving a Work Related Cause For Knee Injuries

Repetitive injuries are a very common reason for workman’s compensation claims. Having to perform the same function over and over on a daily basis will cause a breakdown of small muscles and nerves resulting in constant pain. Some instances of a repetitive injury may not actually be a repeat of a certain movement, but instead … Read more

Updated: December 19, 2013

Preventing a Crush Injury in the Workplace

In a work environment that involves heavy equipment or complicated machinery, crush injuries are one of the many hazards to employees. A crush injury occurs when a body part, usually a hand or an arm, is compressed to the point where blood flow is compromised. This will cause a serious and sometimes fatal injury to … Read more

Updated: December 19, 2013

How Bicycle Riders Can Avoid Personal Injury

A little caution can help bicycle riders avoid many accidents. Missouri personal injury lawyers have come across several personal injury cases that could have been avoided had the cyclist been a little more careful and responsible. As per the statistics available, in the year 2011 alone, a total of 677 cyclists had lost their lives … Read more

Updated: June 20, 2024

Lump-Sum Payouts in Workers Compensation Claims

Under certain circumstances, an employer and his insurance company may offer the injured employee a one time, lump-sum payment. This is most often seen with a catastrophic injury where the plaintiff has been left with a total permanent disability. More often than not, the initial offer is substantially less than what would be paid out … Read more

Updated: February 8, 2017

Weight Limits Imposed on Tractor Trailers

There is a weight limit imposed on large tractor trailers of 40 tons, or 80,000 pounds. Anything over that and the truck becomes more difficult to handle and could cause more serious injury in an accident. Major highways are set up with weight checking stations to ensure that trucks are within their weight limit. Unfortunately … Read more

Updated: December 5, 2013