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Refusing Medical Treatment While Collecting Workman’s Compensation

From the time you are involved in a workplace accident there are certain steps you have to take to ensure you receive full compensation. Any misstep could lead to a denial of your claim. You should familiarize yourself with these steps beforehand to be prepared in the event you are injured at work. If your … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019

The Horseplay Argument Used to Deny Workman’s Compensation Benefits

The advantage of workman’s compensation insurance is that it is supposed to be no-fault. Just like with your no-fault car insurance this means that even if your mistake led to the accident, workman’s compensation will still cover the cost of your medical care and time off for work. The payoff is that if the accident … Read more

Updated: February 27, 2014

Proving Employment in Order to Collect Benefits

Workman’s compensation insurance dictates that any business that retains five or more employees carry workman’s compensation insurance with some exceptions. For certain types of industry where the risk of injury is high, like trucking and construction, they will try and circumvent that law by hiring either independent contractors or people who are willing to work … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019

Occupational Disease and the Probability Factor

Occupational diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome are a leading cause for workman’s compensation claims in the United States. They are also the most disputed. What puts them under such scrutiny from the insurance companies is the likelihood that they developed from a factor not related to work. Unfortunately, the older the employee, the more … Read more

Updated: November 6, 2019

St. Louis Work Comp Lawyer Discusses Amputation Injuries

Amputation injuries are not only a devastating injury with lifelong consequences, they are also very expensive to treat. The US Department of Labor reports that about half of all amputation injuries take place in the manufacturing industry. It also states that this type of workplace injury is more likely to occur with the use of … Read more

Updated: May 26, 2017

The Personal Comfort Doctrine Defined

It is not unreasonable to expect that during the course of a work day, an employee may stop and take some time out to attend to personal matters. If an accident occurs during this time, the question may arise if the injuries sustained are covered by the employer’s workman’s compensation insurance. It is not uncommon … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019