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The Deadly Effects of Raising a Rigs Mansfield Bar

When trucks are not in compliance with federal regulations, the results may be catastrophic. A Los Angeles resident made national news last March when he escaped certain death, simply, by ducking. The Corvette he was driving collided with a moving truck and pushed itself under it. Had the man not ducked he would have been … Read more

Updated: June 19, 2024

Should You Choose Your Own Doctor After a Work Injury?

It is important to follow the proper protocol if you are injured on the job. In one month alone, close to 10,000 workman’s compensation injuries may be reported. Fortunately, a minority of these are the result of a life-threatening accident that requires emergency care. More often, an employee has a small accident, reports it to … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019

Workman’s Comp for Truck Drivers Injured on the Job


Drivers of large, commercial vehicles are subjected to a variety of factors that put them at risk for an on the job injury. Tight schedules mean long hours driving continuously often without enough sleep. They are sometimes required to load and unload the trucks making them likely candidates for back injuries as well as fall … Read more

Updated: August 15, 2024

Officers Honor Trooper Killed by a Semi Truck Last Year

In early September a highway memorial sign was erected in honor of a state trooper who was killed during a routine traffic stop in Illinois. Illinois law enforcement officials honored the dedicated trooper’s memory. Kyle Deatherage, a 32-year-old Illinois trooper had traveled out to New Jersey last year with a group of 28 other troopers … Read more

Updated: November 6, 2013

Missouri Workers Compensation Settlement for Injured Concrete Worker

The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann settled a case for an injured Missouri concrete worker. A Missouri concrete worker suffered a December 1, 2004, on the job knee injury. The employee was working for a concrete company when he slipped off of a porch and injured his right knee. The Employer/Insurer provided care through … Read more

Updated: July 30, 2020

Employees File Asbestos Lawsuit Against MO Electric Company

danger asbestos sign

If the allegations are to be believed then employees were expected to work with materials tainted with asbestos. An electric company in Missouri has been accused by employees of exposing them to asbestos over a period of time, putting them at risk of developing asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other serious conditions while they worked for the … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019