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Should You Use a Workers’ Comp Settlement Calculator?

Every workers compensation case is unique. At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann we focus on YOUR case and what is best for YOU.  When you are injured on the job, you and your family need answers fast. In addition to every day living expenses, you will likely have medical bills to pay for. … Read more

Updated: March 11, 2022

Employer Claims It Shouldn’t Have to Pay for Injured Smoker

The employer claimed it should not have to pay permanent total disability to injured woman who refused to quit smoking.  An interesting precedent was set by a case settled in August, 2013. A worker became injured at work while lifting some books. The injury necessitated back surgery, which she had, but she was unable to … Read more

Are Missouri Teachers Underpaid After Workers’ Comp Injuries?

Calculating the wages of a full-time employee who earns his or her wages over a period of less time, should not look the same as calculations for an employee who earns their wages during a 12 month period. When an employee experiences an injury at work, the workers’ compensation system is designed to protect the injured … Read more

Updated: November 11, 2019

Injured Employee Receives Unemployment & Disability Benefits Simultaneously

The Missouri workers’ compensation commission recently made the decision to allow a man to collect unemployment benefits and simultaneously collect disability benefits. These two are usually mutually exclusive because in order to collect unemployment, a person has to be both willing and able to work, while disability benefits are an option when a workplace accident … Read more

Updated: April 28, 2016

A Guide for Missouri Workers Injured on the Job

doctor speaking with an injured worker returning to work

If you have been injured on the job, it is important to remember the answers to these commonly asked questions regarding Missouri workers’ compensation. Many different types of injuries can occur in the workplace. Some occupations, like construction, might be more dangerous and have an increased chance of injury than an occupation involving office work. … Read more

Updated: June 18, 2024

Answers to Common Missouri Workers’ Comp Questions

Law Office of James M. Hoffmann

When you become injured while on the job there are a lot of questions that will need to be answered. Most people do not think about workers’ compensation until they experience a workplace injury. But it is a good idea for employees to be aware of what their employer’s workers’ comp policy is and what … Read more

Updated: April 14, 2017