Itโs important to understand that seasonal work is not easy, and there is always a risk of on-the-job injuries.
In the holiday season, many people take up extra work. Stores need temporary workers to handle the holiday rush and meet the demands of the shoppers. Qualified workers make the most of this opportunity to make a little more cash.

Whether you are a part-time worker working extra hours, a student home on break, or a parent looking to supplement your household income, taking up seasonal work can be a great decision. Itโs important to understand that seasonal work is not easy, and there is always a risk of on-the-job injuries. In this post, St. Louis workersโ compensation lawyer will discuss seasonal workersโ rights and whether they are entitled to workersโ compensation benefits.
Workers compensation for seasonal workers
Workers compensation is an insurance program that all employers in Missouri must provide to their workers. In case a worker is injured, becomes ill, or is disabled while performing his/her job duties, he/she can make a claim for workersโ compensation benefits to cover medical costs and a part of lost wages. In Missouri, all employees, including part-time, full-time, temporary, and seasonal workers, are covered by workersโ compensation.
Common risks faced by seasonal workers
Most seasonal workers find employment in the retail industry. Oftentimes, inexperienced seasonal workers are assigned to jobs that they are not properly trained for, so they are not aware of the safety procedures to avoid injuries. Due to this, seasonal retail workers become susceptible to overexertion injuries caused by continuous carrying, lifting, pushing, and pulling. Seasonal, temporary cashiers are also exposed to repetitive stress injuries caused by continually scanning and retrieving items for prolonged periods.
Other seasonal work includes loading large items into vehicles, assisting with package deliveries, and doing the light assembly. All of this work can cause repetitive stress and overexertion injuries. Workers need even though the employment is temporary, it doesnโt mean that they arenโt entitled to receive benefits for their injuries.
Are you are seasonal worker injured on the job?
In order to be eligible for workers compensation benefits after a workplace injury, you must follow these steps:
- Seek medical attention for your injuries as soon as possible
- Notify your supervisor or employer immediately
- Fill out the relevant workersโ compensation claim form.
- See the doctor designated by your workersโ compensation insurance company.
- If your employer doesnโt cooperate at any stage and refuses workersโ compensation benefits, you should seek legal help from a workersโ compensation attorney.
As a seasonal worker, you are entitled to the same rights as any other worker. While your employer may try to deny the benefits that are rightfully yours, you should be aware of your rights. If you need help with your claim, get in touch with a qualified St. Louis workersโ compensation lawyer.
Workers & Industry
Workers | Industry
Airline Injuries
Auto Mechanic Injuries
Baggage Handler injuries
Bricklayer Injuries
Building Construction Injury
Carpenter Injury
Chemical Plant Accident
Coal Mining Accident
Commercial Food Industry Work Injury
Commercial Truck Accident
Concrete Worker Accident
Construction Accident
Cosmetologist Work Injury
Electric Company Workers Injured
Injured Electrical Worker
Electrician Accident
Elevator Worker Accident
Factory Accident
Farm Accident
FedEx Truck Accident
Firefighter Injuries
Processing Plant Injuries
Government Workers Comp
Healthcare Injuries
Injured Work From Home
Hospital Work Injury
Hotel Workers Injuries
Industrial Workplace Accidents
Iron Worker Accident
Janitor Injuries
Union Worker Accidents
Laboratory Accident
Manufacturing Injuries
Meat Packing Injuries
Metal Fabrication Accidents
Mining Accident
Working Multiple Jobs
Nail Salon Work Injury
Work-Related Accidents on Night Shift
Nurse Injured at Work
Nursing Home Workers Injury
Office Accident
Oil Field Injury
Outdoor Workers Injured
Pipe Fitter Occupational Injury
Plumber Accident
Post Office Accident
Poultry Work Injury
Public Safety Officer Injuries
Railroad Worker Injuries
Recycling Plant Accidents
Restaurant Injury
Retail Accidents
Road Construction Accident
Roofing Accident
Sanitation Worker Injuries
Seasonal Worker Injured
Security Accident
Sewer Accidents
Summer Job Work Injury
Teacher Injured
Textile Mill Accidents
Transit Workers Accident
Truck Driver Injuries
Underground Mining Accidents
Utility Worker Accident
Veterinarian Injured
Warehouse Injuries
Window Cleaner Accident