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5 Things to Discuss With Your Missouri Workers Comp Attorney


Here are five things to discuss with your workers compensation attorney during your first meeting with them.

injured st louis workers discussing case with a lawyer

If you’re soon having your first meeting with your St. Louis workers comp lawyer, it’s understandable to be a bit nervous. Apart from the case at hand, working with a lawyer is uncharted territory for a lot of people, so it’s natural to want to be prepared.

To help you with that, look at these five things you should bring up during the first meeting to make sure you’re getting the most out of the consultation.

Their Experience, Success Rates, and How They Work

It’s a good idea to get to know the lawyer a little bit and see if they are the right ones to handle your case. You’ll most likely do a bit of research before, but it doesn’t hurt to ask them for more information about them, especially how their experience can help your case.

For instance, workers compensation is quite a broad field, so ask them if they’ve ever had cases from your particular industry (such as healthcare, construction, etc.) or with the kind of employer you work for (hospital, multinational company, etc.).

Additionally, ask how they usually handle cases like these – do they work it themselves only or are some tasks divided between other members of the firm? How often will they keep in touch with you, and how could you reach them?

How They Would Handle Your Case

Ask the lawyer how they see your case unfolding. Even by the initial meeting, they should be able to give you a rough answer to it, combining what they know about it so far with their experience. Of course, the plan can change later on, but you should still get a sense that the lawyer knows how to handle your case.

What Kind of Benefits Can You Receive?

Even though you are filing a workers comp case, you may also be eligible for other types of benefits based on the extent of your injuries, such as disability benefits. The extra funds can come in quite in handy when your medical bills are piling up.

What Are Your Do’s and Don’ts

You should also ask your lawyer how to act after filing the claim – what are the things you need to do to increase your chances of getting the claim approved, and what kind of actions could potentially hurt it.

Are You Better Off Filing a Lawsuit?

In some cases, it may be best to skip on the worker’s comp claim and file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer. If you have evidence of negligence, and the injury will prevent you from going back to work, a lawsuit may be more suitable to get you adequate compensation.

The right workers’ compensation lawyer can help increase your chances of getting properly compensated. If you have been injured on the job schedule a FREE consultation today by calling (314) 361-4300.

Updated: October 14, 2019
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