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5 Common Debris-Related Injuries Among Construction Workers


Construction workers are often exposed to falling debris. Here are five common injuries that can occur as a result.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations recommend that building tools and equipment that are not in use should be secured against accidental displacement. Sadly, these construction site safety rules frequently get ignored, thereby exposing construction workers to falling debris. Here are common injuries caused by falling debris.

injured missouri construction worker

Slips, Trip and Falls Injuries

Debris from construction and demolition work may create a slippery condition and compromise your grip on the floor. Also, leaving accumulated debris lying around may lead to catastrophic trip and fall accidents.

Fall accidents may leave you debilitating limb fractures or even traumatic brain injuries. Therefore, for a safe and clean working environment, be sure to remove any fallen debris.

Falling Debris Injuries

An unsuspecting construction worker may be hit by debris such as nails or metal shards that fall from scaffolding, ladder, or even crane and suffer life-threatening injuries. However, the severity of the injuries depends on the weight of the debris and height involved or whether the victim was wearing PPE.

Although falling debris can injure any part of your body, the head often takes the worst hit. As a result, you may suffer skull fractures or even permanent brain damage. Therefore, to minimize incidences of falling debris injuries, ensure you have a hard hat at all times. Also, it may be necessary to install nets and canopies to prevent debris from falling on you and other construction workers.

Respiratory Injuries

Hazardous debris is one of the leading causes of respiratory problems. Inhaling or ingesting air with asbestos or silicon may lead to silicosis, asbestosis, mesothelioma, or lung cancer. Also, dusty debris can aggravate existing respiratory problems such as asthma. Sadly, many respiratory illnesses are life-long and can permanently limit your ability to work.

Cuts and Lacerations Injuries

Falling debris can strike you and cause multiple small cuts or lacerations. Also, when working around scattered sharp debris, chances of tripping and having your leg or hand-cut are incredibly high.

Fire and Explosions Injuries

Debris containing plywood, foil, or oil-based paint, may easily catch fire and cause life-threatening burns, permanent disfigurement, or even death.

Pursuing Compensation

Injuries due to construction debris can be costly to treatโ€”you’ll have to dig deep into your pockets to cover your medical bills. What’s more, recovering from such injuries may take time and cause you to miss work, which can negatively affect your finances and emotional well-being.

Thankfully, you can generally file a workers’ compensation claim. However, you should understand that from the start, the insurance company will likely be looking for ways to minimize or deny your claim.

Therefore, we highly recommend speaking with an experienced St. Louis workers compensation attorney who can help you understand your legal rights and get all of the benefits you are legally entitled to.

St. Louis Workers Compensation Attorney

Have you been injured on the job in Missouri? Get in touch with experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann. Give us a call 24/7 for a FREE consultation.

Updated: May 16, 2024
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