Injured truckers are entitled to workers compensation as long as their injuries occurred as a result of their work activity.

In 2016, 4,440 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes. While commercial truckers are an integral part of the country’s economy, the job comes with many risks. The U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates the trucking industry to ensure safe roads for truckers. However, some accidents are unavoidable.
But, not all injuries truckers can suffer from take place on the road. Many of the tasks they have to perform as part of their job may make them more prone to certain injuries.
4 Common Injuries
- Loading and Unloading Injuries – Sometimes, truckers can get injured even without getting behind the wheel. Part of their job is loading and unloading cargo, which is when a lot of these injuries can take place, either because of mistakes, accident, or a lack of training on how to handle heavy cargo.
- Falls – Common injuries for truckers are caused by falls too, either when they get out of the truck, or because they have to deliver packages and go up and down stairs. These accidents can hurt the truck driver’s back and knees, though it’s also possible for other body areas to be affected as well.
- Repetitive Stress Injuries – Because of driving for long hours in the same position, carpal tunnel symptom is one of the biggest issues truck drivers suffer from.
- Being Struck – While not as common as other types of injuries, truckers may even be hit by cargo falling on them if it was not properly secured on the truck.
What Does the Law Say?
Injured truckers are entitled to workers compensation as long as their injuries occurred as a result of their work activity. Even if your injuries did not happen while you were driving the car, if you were on the clock and working, and got injured because of it, then your injuries are legally covered by workers compensation.
You’ll have to notify your employer of your accident and injury. If you fail to give them this notice, then that may be grounds for the insurance company to deny the claim.
You may also want to consider hiring a St. Louis workers compensation lawyer and discuss your case with them. Workers compensation law is fairly complicated, and you want to avoid any troubles with the insurance company interpreting the law to their advantage.
Discuss Your Injury with a St. Louis Work Accident Lawyer
Truckers work very long hours, and their job often exposes them to a lot of potential health risks. If you’ve been injured on the job, even if you weren’t driving at the time, you should be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits.
Once you get treated for the injuries and inform your employer of your status, contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann for a free consultation. Call us at (314) 361-4300 or fill out our online contact form.